Berichten uit Bolivia
door Jan Geelen · Gepubliceerd · Geüpdatet
Cochabamba, August 18, 2024
Stichting Tristan Foundation:
He sent you a cordial greeting from a distance, hoping that you are in good health and have a good day.
Letting you know that since February I have been taking courses for pharmacy assistant and in this month of August I passed all the subjects with a final grade of 85, at the end of this month they will give me my certificates and in September I will be doing an internship in a pharmacy. Starting in November I will be preparing to enter the university's preparatory courses for a career in biochemistry and pharmacy. Thank you for the help you give me and Anna’s unconditional support.
Thank you again for the enormous support I receive and without further ado I say goodbye wishing you much success. May God bless your life very much.
Atte.: Nayra Calle Gonzales

24 de November de 2024,Cochabamba
Fundación Tristan
Estimados miembros de la Fundación Tristan:
Me dirijo a ustedes con el más sincero agradecimiento por el apoyo económico que me han brindado. Este respaldo ha sido fundamental en mi desarrollo académico y personal.
Actualmente, nos encontramos en la etapa final de la gestión académica y en plena época de exámenes finales, lo que representa un momento crucial en mi formación. Además, quisiera compartirles que recientemente tuve la oportunidad de viajar a otro país como parte de un programa relacionado con mis materias universitarias. Este viaje fue extremadamente enriquecedor y contribuyó significativamente a mi conocimiento y experiencia académica.
Adicionalmente, durante estos meses estoy realizando una pasantía en Tiquipaya, lo cual ha sido una experiencia muy valiosa para complementar mi formación profesional.
Les agradezco profundamente por ser parte esencial de mi progreso y logros. Aprovecho la ocasión para desearles una muy Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo, lleno de éxitos en todas sus actividades futuras.
Con gratitud y aprecio,
Thank You Letter
24 de November de 2024
Tristan Foundation
To whom it may concern
Dear members of the Tristan Foundation,
I am writing to you with the deepest gratitude for the financial support you have provided me. This assistance has been essential in my academic and personal development.
Currently, we are in the final stages of the academic year and in the midst of final exams, which represent a crucial moment in my education. Additionally, I would like to share that I recently had the opportunity to travel to another country as part of a program related to my university courses. This trip was extremely enriching and significantly contributed to my knowledge and academic experience.
Furthermore, during these months I am undertaking an internship in Tiquipaya, which has been a very valuable experience to complement my professional training.
I deeply appreciate your vital role in my progress and achievements. I take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, full of success in all your future endeavors.
With gratitude and appreciation,